Dec 12 – 16 at 6 AM PT | 9 AM ET

Who we hire at SupabaseFireside chat with founders
Wrap UpEverything we shipped
Supabase DocsRedesigned
Image Transformations
NewSmart CDN

Faster asset delivery, now even faster.

Multi-factor AuthenticationUpdated
Supabase WrappersNew
Vault ReleaseNew
NewTransparent Column Encryption


One more thing

Updatedpg_graphql v1.0
NewCustom Domains
NewPoint-in-time recovery
UpgradePostgres 15
UpgradePostgREST 11
Submissions Closed

Launch Week Hackathon

The traditional parallel Hackathon is back! Build a new open source project with Supabase and you can win $1500 in GitHub sponsorships and a coveted Supabase Darkmode Keyboard! For more info check the blog post.


There are 5 categories to win, with prizes for winners and runner-ups of each category. Each team member gets a prize.


The Supabase team will judge all the categories except the Best Edge Functions Project, which will be judged by our friends at Deno.


If you need help or advice when building, find other people to join your team, or if you just want to chill and watch people build, come and join us!

Join our Discord


Submit your project through All submissions must be open source and publically available. Submissions close Monday 19th Dec 00:01 AM PT.


The Supabase Content Storm

We worked with more than 30 content creators from around the world to drop a mountain of content simultaneously!